Celebrating 2017!

Wow, what a year! I had so many amazing experiences and very little time to write about them!! I plan to go back and do a recap on a few adventures (including finishing up my G2G recap), however, I must start fresh in order to move forward šŸ™‚

3rd Place Finisher – Candle

Here’s a quick recap! After all the training and travelling involved with Grand to Grand Ultra 2016 (G2G), I decided that 2017 would be a year to stay close to home and focus on local races. Lucky for me, my friend (and coach) Ray Zahab had some amazing local trail races that I could focus my attention on! 3beaversracing had 3 unique and amazing races spread out over the year. These races included the 3/6/12 hr Black Fly Race in May, the Bad Beaver Ultra (150km, 3-day stage race) in August and the Midnight Moose Ultra (25/50/100km), starting at 10pm, at the end of September. I set my sights on the 100km Midnight Moose, and used the Bad Beaver Ultra as a training run. Worth mentioning 3beaversracing now has 5 trail races to choose from, be sure to check them out!

In 2016 when I was training for G2G I did the bulk of my training alone. I was still fairly new to trail running and did not know many people who were training for ultra trail races. I’m also more of a mid to back of the pack runner and was a little intimidated to run with others. Early in 2017 I decided I wanted to connect more with other runners so I started doing open invites to have others join me on my runs, even if for only part of them. Surprisingly these small group runs grew throughout the spring/summer and I found myself rarely running alone! I am still amazed and grateful for the friendships and connecting with other crazy distance runners!

In 2016 I trained religiously! In 2017 I found myself struggling to be consistent. My life was in transition and I was trying to find a new normal, my mid-week training suffered as a result. I still managed long runs on the weekend and used them to connect with friends and fill my “tank” to get through the coming week.



I went into 2017 with 1 goal: complete a 100km race.

Here is a breakdown of what I ended up doing:.

  • Ottawa Marathon (May)
  • Limberlost (42k) (July)
  • Bad Beaver Ultra 3-Day Stage Race 150k (August)
  • i2P 100k (August)
  • Midnight Moose 100k (Sept)
  • Gate2Gate 100k (Oct)
  • Fat Ass 50k (Nov)

In 2016 I had a very clear goal but was inexperienced and unsure of what to expect, For 2017 the goal was Midnight Moose 100k and I felt more freedom to add races for fun, I mean training ;). Gate2Gate just kind of happened and Fat Ass just seemed like a great way to finish off the year!

At the start of Gate to Gate
Refueling 73Km’s into our spontaneous 100Km run!!

All in all the year was pretty amazing! I had the opportunity to complete THREE 100km runs, each experience so different!! I learned a whole heck of alot about myself and my friendships with some amazing people grew.

Looking ahead to 2018 I have a few goals but one probably will help me in all the others and that is be more consistent! My focus is strength, flexibility and nutrition. I am back following a plan with a year end goal of running the Grand to Grand Ultra again!!



How was your year? Did you try something new? Do you have a specific goal for 2018?





3 Replies to “Celebrating 2017!”

  1. Wow, what a great year 2017 was for you running Leanne. I will be running Bad Beaver in August (quite nervous) and googled it and your blog came up. How cool is that! Any advice on this race would be greatly appreciated. Kristi Raz, who I have run a few ultra races with invited me out for this. I think I see her in your group picture. šŸ™‚

    1. Hi Carl! Yes Kristi told me you were coming!! Can’t wait to meet you! I’d love to run it again but I’ve committed to volunteering all weekend!!
      Biggest tip is your back to back runs! You want to get used to running on tired legs šŸ™‚ You should already be doing them. Have you done a stage race before??

      1. Wow, bless your heart Leanne. If it was not for the volunteers like yourself, these events would never happen.

        Thank you for the advice. I have done long runs, but nothing has been back to back, which I REALLY need to do.

        This will be my 1st stage race. Nervous, but excited. I am also really looking forward to meeting your friend and coach Ray Zahab. Love following his adventures on my Twitter feed.

        I am sure meeting yourself and Ray and I am sure many other very inspirational runners will get my legs fired up. Turning 60 the same day as Limberlost. Been such an amazing journey. So fortunate to be able to run! šŸ™‚

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