Groundhog says early spring! Here’s to winter running in the meantime

Training Week in Review

(Missed posting last week pretty much the same kms as this week.)

Monday: Yoga
Tuesday: “Over-Under” 6.3K crazy greasy outside (snow/slushy conditions) plus TRX training
Wednesday: “Volume Builder” 10K treadmill run (conditions still terrible outside) plus TRX training
Thursday: “Hill Tempo” 5.5K footing was a challenge still but I ran the circuit as hard as I could.
Friday: Upper Body Strength Training
Saturday: 1hr treadmill (trying out new shoes)
Sunday: “LSD” 15K lots of snow, most sidewalks not cleared but got it done and overall felt pretty strong.

Need help sticking to your winter training plan?

Know your WHY,  have a PLAN and JOIN others.

WHY did you sign up?  Do you have specific goals?  Are you supporting a charity?  Perhaps it’s a motivation to get healthier.  Understanding your why will help you on those days when you just do not feel like getting a run in.  If you want to have a successful race then you need to get your training in.  My suggestion is, make your “why” big enough to help push you to get it done.

Here are my whys:

  1. Fundraising for the Children’s Aid Foundation (my heart connects with this cause).
  2. Running my first Ultra Marathon (50K)
  3. Participating in a World Record Breaking Event in a fall race (using it to fundraise).
Moisture Wicking Headbands
Moisture Wicking Headbands $15 ea. Proceeds go to the Children’s Aid Foundation

You need to have a PLAN.  You cannot just hope it happens, or figure you’ll get it in when you can.  By putting together a schedule it will allow you to work around your life.  Plan ahead and know what distances you need to cover.  If you have an appointment or perhaps you are going on holidays, you want to be fairly consistent with your training.  I have a month planned in advance, review it, break it down for the week and then schedule it in for the day. My days do not all look the same.  Most days I run outside, but as a back-up I have my treadmill.  I try to get my run done early but some days it’s afternoon or evening.  Before I go to bed I know what distance and where/when I’m running for the next day.

JOIN others.  I was mostly a solo runner until I trained for my first marathon.  Now I try to do most of my long runs with the Running Room.  The Running Room has a great program for all race distances, including a Learn To Run one.   Aside from having a variety of personalities along for the long run, I particularly enjoy just following along.  It allows my brain to be shut off for a bit. I do not need to think about pace or directions for the most part.  It gives my brain a “rest” while enjoying conversations with others or a great song on my playlist.  If running with an organized group is logistically difficult, connecting with a friend or two for the entire run or part of the run also helps.

The online community is also an amazing way to stay motivated and connect with other runners.  Most races tend to offer a special group of runners who are passionate about running and helping others on their running journeys.  Check your race website for groups such as Digital Champions (as in The Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon) or Team Awesome (as with Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend).  Follow some of these runners on social media for support, encouragement, motivation and just plain fun in sharing the journey with others.

Last but not least, BELIEVE you can do it.

My coach and mentor Ray Zahab says this:

The challenge is believing that overcoming obstacles is 90% mental and the other 10% is all in our heads.

Going the distance means pushing beyond our perceived limits…

Leading to a discovery that we are ALL capable of achieving the extraordinary!

How about you?  Do you have suggestions to help others get their training in?  I would love to here your thoughts.

16 Replies to “Groundhog says early spring! Here’s to winter running in the meantime”

    1. I like the mix of doing solo runs and group runs BUT in the extremes of weather (hot and cold) I much prefer joining up with others.

  1. Awesome! I used to run and cycle regurarly, but having to exercise with 3 littles in tow has completely changed my routine! Most days it’s pushing a stroller, or trying to find time for the treadmill which is now surrounded by a baby gate 🙂 Congrats and good luck!

  2. My goal this week is to make a plan for my weekly workouts! Now that life is back in order it’s time to get myself in order. Starting with finding a running partner!

    1. Feel free to connect with me on twitter or facebook for support 🙂 BUT yes, finding a running partner to run with sure helps. I still find a lot of my runs are on my own as it’s hard to schedule with others, especially in the winter when we just want to get it done!

  3. Wow! You are inspiring! I have never even heard of an ultra marathon!! Totally cool.

    I also prefer working out with others. I wish my husband liked yoga… lol. If we had a babysitter or spare cash, we love working out at a gym.

    1. What does your husband like to do? Maybe you could do a different workout together. My husband and I did T25 together a few times but I like to workout early in the day, he’d prefer later in the evening! 🙂

  4. I think you hit the nail on the head. Meeting my running group is a huge motivator for me! Do you do a TRX class or do you have the apparatus at home? I love TRX, I wish I had access to it at home!

    1. I can only imagine the feeling of finishing. It’s like most things I guess, you set a goal, work hard to achieve it and celebrate the journey and crossing the finish line 🙂

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